Medicaid Billing

Get Reimbursed for the services your district provides.

SpedTrack’s Medicaid Billing software helps ensure that you get the biggest return on the services you provide. 

Medicaid Billing
Medicaid Billing

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Maximize your return

Catch Errors Before Submitting

SpedTrack will automatically look over your claims to make sure no information is missing.

Copy-To-New Claim

Create a copy of a claim to a new draft claim which significantly reduces duplicated work.

Save time

Pull Data From Special Education Software

When using SpedTrack’s Special Education solution paired with our Medicaid Billing solution, information will auto-populate saving additional time.

Create Reoccurring Sessions

The ability to create routine schedules allows you to create an event once and set it to reoccur at your desired frequency.

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Easy oversight

Robust Reporting

Our reporting tool allows users to generate standard and customized reports in a variety of formats.

Staff Audit Reports

Easily monitor the status of all your staff members as they work on various students within SpedTrack.

Co-op Management Tool

SpedTrack has built-in tools that make it extremely easy to manage multiple districts under one portal. This is especially helpful when analyzing data across one or multiple districts.

Powerful Together and Separately

Choose from our suite of products to build the perfect special education solution for your district. 

Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On

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Special Education Software

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