Easily track and report on the required time for each individual student.

Inclusion Tracking

Track all of your inclusion contact time and data with our inclusion tracking system.


Sped Intervention/Content Mastery Tracking

Track contact time and the data of the time spent with your students.

MTSS/RTI Tracking

Track all of the intervention data with your students and consolidate it into a simple report.

Inclusion & Sped Intervention/Content Mastery Tracking

Easily track time spent with students. Information is stored in our central database generating accountability reports on provided services.

MTSS / RTI Tracking

Easily track the intervention time with your students. We make your job easier by tracking the integrity of intervention implementation for academics, behavior, and dyslexia.

About Easy Sped Tracker

Easy Sped Tracker was created by Kara Stone, a Special Education Teacher with 20+ years’ experience in data collection for Content Mastery/Sped Intervention and Inclusion. It was designed to save teachers time and alleviate the headaches of managing paper records. Easy Sped Tracker is a web-based solution, offering instant access to Content Mastery/Sped Intervention and Inclusion records from any device. The system helps ensure compliance by providing accountability tools for teachers and reporting for administrators.

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